Creating USB installed Ubuntu bootable in both UEFI and legacy BIOS mode
Resouces the instruction that I am following GPartd tutorial My notes on the steps Step A: Format the USB stick as required. Boot GPartd. Select the USB stick. If there is a key icon next to any partitions of the stick, unmount the USB stick from either the Linux system or GPartd. Select Partition, then Create new partition. Use the default DOS-favor of partition table. Create the first FAT32 partition of size 1-2GB, with label usb-live at the front. Confirm and make the change before you can right click, select "Manage flag" and make it bootable. Use the remaining space to create a extended partition. From within create the ext4 partition with label usb-installed, and then linux-swap. Note the order is important. The ext4 partition will then move to partition 6 rather than partition 5 if you reverse the order. Step B Straightforward Step C Make sure you detach all the other disks of your PC before booting using the USB. If you come across error when usi...