
Showing posts from September, 2010

Download mms stream in Ubuntu

Try msdl introduced here . Example: msdl -s 10 -r 00:20:00-00:59:58 rtsp:// msdl -s 10 -r 00:20:00-00:59:58 mms://

Rotate both screen and touchpad at the same time

This seems to offer a complete solution.

Install JOGL on Ubuntu 10.04

Basically follow the instruction here . The Java install path is changed to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

JOGL and JNLP useful tips

To have JNLP apps using JOGL to work properly on all operating systems (Windows/Linux/MACOS/Solaris) and CPU architectures (Intel/AMD), one needs to offer the native libraries of all these possible combinations. An example is at here . To have the native libraries (offered in the form of jar files from the web) work on the computers, one has to sign all of them. And in the JNLP file, specify you want all permissions in the security attribute. A related reference is available here . In case you use all-permissions security setting, you need to move all the jar files to be downloaded into one single URL. See here . The use of native libraries in Java applet is not recommended. See here .