
Showing posts from January, 2011

JMRI use note

Set up USB->Serial connection to the NCB signal central: * Decoder Pro, Edit->Preference, under Connection tab, select NCE/Serial/COM6 Load layout: * Decoder Pro, Panel->Load Panel, select one of the NEB&W layout. Load throttle: * Decoder Pro, Throttles->Throttle list windows, create your own throttle and run your train!

Speed up make

make -j x where x is the number of processors you can afford to use.

Recover your newly-installed harddrive in Windows XP

If you plug in a secondary hard drive into your Deskop but you can't find it out under your Windows XP, follow the steps below. 1) Open Computer Management -> Disk Management 2) If the offending disk doesn't show up in Disk Management, select "Actions", "Re-scan" and wait a minute or two or three 3) Note the disk number of the disk that won't mount, e.g., #5 4) Start a command line session 5) Type "diskpart" (Microsoft's disk partition program) 6) Type "select disk 5" (makes disk 5 the focus) 7) Type "clean" (removes existing disk partition) 8) Type "create partition PRIMARY" (creates a primary partition) 9) Type "assign letter=h" (assigns a drive letter to the "new" disk) Ref: here (It contains steps if you have a Windows 7 instead.)