
Showing posts from May, 2013

Beautify Ubuntu Desktop Slidewall:

Delete recovery partition of a hard disk in Windows

Step 1. Open the Diskpart application by either typing in "Diskpart" (without the quotation marks) into the search, or type "Diskpart.exe" into Run by pressing the Windows key + R. Step 2. Now with Diskpart open, you must enter the following command lines: I. Type "list disk" without the quotation marks and press enter. II. Type in "select disk 0" and press enter. III. Then type in "list partition" and press enter. IV. Then type in "select partition x" x=the recovery partition you wish to delete (i believe it's 1, i dont recall) replace x with the recovery partition number and press enter. V. Then finally type in "delete partition override" and press enter. Reference

ssh sound over network Play octoshape stream with firefox under http_proxy http_proxy=[ [http_proxy_server]] octoshape/OctoshapeClient | PULSE_SERVER=localhost:[[pulse_server_port]] firefox

Customize gnome-classic in Ubuntu 12.04

Increase the heights of top and bottom panels  Install dconf-tools Start dconf-editor. Find the setting org -> gnome -> gnome-panel -> layout -> toplevels. Change the "size" attribute of the bottom-panel and top-panel. Do meta (window) + alt + right click on top panel to add the following applets. "Clock" that can show both day/time and weather "Notification Area" that can show the gcin status. "Indicator Applet" that can show the status of various things such as battery and wifi.

Generate a list of consecutive integers in python


Use file lock to ensure no more than 1 instance running