Play DOS PC Games with CD audio through images

  1. Check where the CD is located in the Linux system
    > cdrdao scanbus
    Suppose you get the following which says it is at /dev/sr0
    Cdrdao version 1.2.3 - (C) Andreas Mueller
    /dev/sr0 : Slimtype, DVDRW SOSW-833S , VRS3
  2. Make sure that location is unmounted.
    > umount /dev/sr0
  3. Create the bin image of the CD and the corresponding cue file via
    > cdrdao read-cd --datafile image.bin --driver generic-mmc:0x20000 --device /dev/sr0 --read-raw image.toc
    > toc2cue image.toc image.cue
  4. Install DosBox
  5. Start DosBox
  6. Mount the c drive to some directory in the local machine, for example
    > mount c /home/tylau/Documents/dos
  7. Mount the d drive to the cue file, for example
    > imgmount d /home/tylau/Desktop/ssf2t.cue -t iso -fs iso
  8. Follow instruction to install or start the game.
Command to burn the bin/cue back to a CD.
cdrdao write --device /dev/sr0 --swap ssf2t.toc 

To convert bin/cue to iso/wav
bchunk IMAGE.bin IMAGE.cue IMAGE.iso  -w



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