Can't switch input method of gcin in Ubuntu 9.10

If you would like to use cangjie (倉頡) input method but often don't know the full input codes for words, probably you will find gcin the best Chinese input method for Linux Desktop. First it supports * wildcards as in the counterpart in Microsoft Windows. Second it allows words so typed to turn to simplified Chinese automatically.

However, in Ubuntu 9.10, the installed gcin may not allow you to switch between input methods. The solution that works with me is as follows:
  1. Remember to type sudo im-switch -s gcin so gcin starts when boot.
  2. Open the corresponding config file. One can do it in command prompt, by typing in
    sudo pico /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodule-files.d/gcin.immodules
  3. Change the line
    "gcin" "gcin Input Method" "gcin" "/usr/share/locale" "*"
    "gcin" "gcin Input Method" "gcin" "/usr/share/locale" ""
  4. Reboot the machine
More information about the problem and the solution can be found here (in Traditional Chinese).


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