RTHK Octoshape Streams

NOTE: As at Aug 2015, the octoshape streams of RTHK have been shut down. Please visit here for the replacement m3u8 streams instead.

You need to specify the stream locators if you run the octoshape client separately. (For example, if you run Linux, you can't invoking the program from the RTHK live broadcast pop-up window in the corporate's web main page. You can only type in command line

> ./OctoshapeClient -url:[stream_locators]

Replace [stream_locators] with the media you want:
RTHK Radio 1: rthk.ch1
RTHK Radio 2: rthk.ch2
RTHK Radio 3: rthk.ch3
RTHK Radio 4: rthk.ch4
RTHK Radio 5: rthk.ch5
RTHK PTH: rthk.ch6
RTHK Live TV: rthk.livetv
RTHK DAB31: rthk.ch31
RTHK DAB33: rthk.ch33
RTHK DAB35: rthk.ch35

Remark on Mar 25, 2010: In Linux, if you start the octoshape client by the command line

> ./OctoshapeClient

Then webpages which has octoshape stream available in Flash (e.g. The RTHK Radio Live Player) will be played properly.

P.S. RTHK TV stream (can be opened with VLC)
RTHK TV 31: http://rthk.hk/dtt/rthktv31.m3u8 
RTHK TV 32: http://rthk.hk/dtt/rthktv32.m3u8


  1. Oh,Thanks very much for the url you provide!
    but I wanna know how to capture the link from mytv.tvb.com by myself.

    because I use the linux system, and want to capture other TV stream url.


  2. 非常感謝,敢問閣下是怎樣得知以上地址

  3. Re Yuenshu:
    The videos in mytv.tvb.com are in Flash indeed. I still have no ideas on how to work with them. Sorry.

    Re Lockestek:
    You can find them out by checking the source code (Firefox: From the main menu, View -> Page Source) of the webpages which you are supposed to use to play the octoshape stream.
    For example, for RTHK, check http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/player_popup.php?rid=168&player=hq&type=live. Look for "octoshape" throughout the source file.

  4. Thank you for the posting.

    a Linux user in North America

  5. i'm using a mac book, i hav d/l octoshape but how to watch the tvb channel? thanks

  6. I got this error 10 seconds after start octoshape this days:

    Info : You cannot get this stream now. You may try again later. (61)

    And also my friends got the same error.
    How does it mean? & Are there any way to solve it?

  7. @believe_miracle and dukelec: If you cannot check out the stream directly using the command line, you need to start octoshape and then go to the respective broadcaster's webpage. Thanks.

  8. Nice, it is very helpful. Thank you.

  9. Dear Eddie, may I ask how can we access the high quality radio 4 stream after they shutdown the octoshape streams.
    I prefer an url such that I can play using kodi.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. http://rthkaudio4-lh.akamaihd.net/i/radio4_1@355867/master.m3u8

      It can be played on my VLC player. Please try it on your kodi.

  10. Dear Eddie, thanks for the link, kodi play it flawlessly after wrapping it in a .strm file.
    Great thanks for your swift help.


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