Testing location-based Android apps via AVD devices

Enable telnet on Windows 8: http://www.sysprobs.com/install-and-enable-telnet-in-windows-8-use-as-telnet-client

Setting gps location of AVD devices: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2279647/how-to-emulate-gps-location-in-the-android-emulator

Installing external apk: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17167636/how-to-install-a-apk-on-emulator-in-android-studio. For Android studio, the path to adb is C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb. 

An alternative is to use genymotion. You can set the GPS location conveniently through its UI. APK install is as simple as dragging the apk file from your local computer to


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