Docker quick start (Firefox container as an example)

Below are the minimal commands needed to get a working Mozilla Firefox docker container in Ubuntu.

Install docker client and server
sudo apt-get install

Allow the docker user to communicate with your X session
xhost +local:docker

Download a Firefox docker image and start it as a container
sudo docker run -v $HOME/Downloads:/home/firefox/ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev/snd:/dev/snd --privileged -e uid=$(id -u) -e gid=$(id -g) -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --name firefox chrisdaish/firefox

Once the image has been downloaded, it can be started with the following command instead:
sudo docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev/snd:/dev/snd --privileged -e uid=$(id -u) -e gid=$(id -g) -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --name firefox chrisdaish/firefox

Note the id or name of the container. Later if you want to get back to the container, you need that id.
sudo docker attach [id or name]
sudo docker start [id or name>

Before you can run again, one shall stop the container.

First use the following command to look for the id of the container.
sudo docker ps -q -f status=exited

Then issue the rm command against the respective id.
sudo docker rm [id or name]

The list of all docker images can be found through the following command.
sudo docker image -qf "dangling=true"

The images can be deleted using the following command:
sudo docker rmi [id or name]



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