Using PS1 Densha de Go! controller on PS1/PS2 emulator of PlayStation 3


Using an Arduino Leonardo and a Titan Two, you could connect your PS1 Densha de Go! controller to your PlayStation 3 to play PS1/PS2 Densha de Go! games that supports the controller.

Items needed

Either {Arduino Leonardo (or equivalent). Note that it has to have at least one 3.3V power output. 6 male-to-female jumper cables} or a Mayflash SS/N64/PS2 Controller Adapter for PC USB

A Densha de Go! controller

A Titan Two

A few micro USB cables

A PlayStation 3 with controller

Supported PlayStation 1/2 Densha de GO!! games

Provide the PS1 Densha de Go! controller with an USB interface

Set up Titan Two to convert the signals of the Densha de Go! controller to the ones that the game expects

Create a gpc file with content shown at (Arduino approach), or (Mayflash adapter approach).

Install Gtuner IV available at

Start Gtuner IV.

Connect the Arduino Leonardo to Titan Two USB port Input A via a micro-USB cable.

Use a micro-USB cable to connect the Titan Two PROG port to a USB port of your computer.

From the main menu, select View. Make sure "Device Monitor", "Device memory slots" and "Device Configuration" are checked.

At bottom right, select the "Device Configuration" tab. Under "Device Options", check "Disable memory slot selection using the controller". Then select the "Device Memory Slots" tab. Drag the gpc script file you create at the beginning of this section to a memory slot. Right click on the loaded memory slot and select "Load memory slot".

Use procedure

Start the game without connecting the Titan Two with some typical PS3 controller.

When you are in the game, first connect the Arduino Leonardo to Titan Two USB port Input A via a micro-USB cable. Then use a micro-USB cable to connect Titan Two OUTPUT port to a USB port of your PS3 console.

Use the UP and DOWN button of Titan Two to select the gpc script that we just upload.

Press the HOME button of your PS3 controller. Select appropriate option to set your PS3 controller as player 2. This will set the Titan Two as player 1.

Go back to the game and then you shall be able to use the Densha de Go controller.


  1. Hi there Eddie Lau, thank you so much for creating these awesome solutions to help Densha fans get the most out of their existing mascon HW in combination with the newer games and consoles!

    One question about the implementation for PS1/PS2 Densha games on PS3 (as in your above blog post). Does this method and GPC script actually identify to the PS1 and PS2 games that the connected controller is a mascon? Or does this method translate the PS1 mascon controls to the corresponding standard PS1/PS2 game pad button schemes in game? Reason I ask is that for several PS2 Densha games there exist cheats to identify PS1 mascon as PS2 Type 2 mascon. Thereby enabling even more games to be compatible with PS1 mascon. Also, my big HOPE is that your method here could also work on PS3 Railfan Chicago, which supports Type 2 natively. But for that to work, your method would have to enable to controller to be identified as a connected Type 2 mascon, of course. Hope you'll read this and are able to respond. Thank you so much!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. As long as you can send up and down directional keys to the supported Densha de Go games, the game will think it is connected to a densha de go v1 controller. Typical PS1/PS2 controller -> USB adaptors either map the dpad buttons as axes and hence doesn't allow such a key combination, or map the buttons wrong. That is why I come up with my own USB adaptor and the titan script to remap the keys.

      I also realize that there are cheats to help certain PS2 densha de go games to recognize a PS1 mascon as PS2 type 2 mascon. It is not trivial on how to do the same for PS3 though.

    3. Meanwhile I see this github project that might be able to convert a Densha de Go plug and play unit to a PS2 Type 2 mascon ( Maybe it is something you want to check out.


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